Radionuclide Monitoring Station is Delivered to the National Nuclear Center of RK

03 December 2020

On December 2, 2020, as part of the implementation of the Memorandum between the Department of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development of Canada and the Ministry of Energy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, a Noble Gas Radionuclide Monitoring Station was delivered to Kurchatov.

The container with equipment is installed at the territory of the National Nuclear Center of RK, responsible executor for the placement, installation and operation of the radionuclide monitoring station in the Republic of Kazakhstan

After installation of the equipment at the specially prepared site, the station keys were given to NNC RK.

Currently, the arrival of technical experts is expected for launch, adjustment and testing of the station. After completion of all required commissioning procedures, the station will be operated in continuous mode.

In this way, the first noble gas radionuclide monitoring station will be operational in the Republic of Kazakhstan.

The main purpose of the station is to carry out radionuclide air monitoring to register physical products of nuclear explosion (noble gases) transported by air over long distances.

The establishment of radionuclide station in Kazakhstan will make it possible to strengthen aerial monitoring in the region to detect radioactive inert gases resulting from nuclear tests and will contribute to strengthening non-proliferation regime of weapons of mass destruction in the world. This will also be a key factor for the further development and strengthening of fruitful cooperation between Kazakhstan and other countries within the framework of CTBTO.

радионуклиды международное сотрудничество ОДВЗЯИ РГП НЯЦ РК мониторинг МЭ