17 January 2020
On September 8-10, 2020, the National Nuclear Center of RK headed by Ministry of Energy of RK holds IX International Conference “Semipalatinsk Test Site: Legacy and Prospects for Scientific-Technical Potential Development”.
The Conference will cover a wide range of topics:
1. Modern Trends and Prospects of Nuclear Power Development: nuclear research facilities; nuclear power safety; radiation material testing and physics of solid state, promising functional materials of energy; SNF and RW management.
2. Technologies of Controlled Thermonuclear Fusion: facilities of controlled thermonuclear fusion; plasma-physics research; structural and functional materials of TNR; physical and technical and engineering aspects of CTF.
3. Radiation Ecology and Medicine: radioecology studies and risk assessment for human and ecosystem; monitoring of the former test sites and other radiation hazardous objects; remediation of territories exposed to technogenic radioactive contamination; new approaches in solving of scientific and applied tasks of radioecology; nuclear and radiation technologies in industry and medicine.
4. Strengthening of Nuclear Nonproliferation Regime: elimination of infrastructure and consequences of nuclear weapon tests; support and strengthening of nuclear nonproliferation regime; minimizing the use of highly enriched uranium in civil sector; development of international nuclear tests monitoring system.
Click on the link www.nnc.kz for more detailed information about the Conference.
Conference applications are submitted via web site: https://sts2020.nnc.kz/
Opening of online registration – January 20, 2020.
Concerning all the issues of your interest, please, contact us by e-mail: conf2020@nnc.kz.
16 January 2025
30 December 2024
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13 December 2024