Under IVG.1M Conversion

19 April 2018

Works on IVG.1M conversion have be continuing in the National Nuclear Center of RK based on low enriched fuel under international initiative on nuclear weapon non-proliferation.

In the process of IVG.1M conversion two fuel assemblies with new low enriched fuel should pass long-term resource testing. On April 13, 2018 the next start-up of IVG.1M research reactor was successfully conducted with the purpose to continue testing of two fuel assemblies. During start-up process reactor operated on standard capacity levels during planned period of time.

Apart from implementation of the Program on IVG.1M Conversion an experiment was conducted on Project “Lithium Capillary-Porous Structures Reactor Tests” as part of the International Program on construction of the World’s first thermonuclear reactor. During the experiment data were obtained on tritium separation from lithium capillary-porous system during irradiation in the reactor. May we remind, that tritium is one of fuel components of thermonuclear reactor. Reactor experiment was conducted successfully, experimental tasks were accomplished.