Corresponds to the World Standards

11 January 2019

        For the present day cytogenetic laboratory of the RK National Nuclear Center is equipped with the most up-to-date equipment like biodosimetry laboratories operating in Europe, America and Japan. Upon the guidance of IAEA, NNC RK has mastered 3 of 4 methods for cytogenetic dosimetry: cytogenetic analysis, micronucleus test with cytogenesis blocking and method of fluorescent hybridization in situ.

        Carl Zeizz electron microscope based automated cytogenetic system, and system for automatic metaphase scanning MSearch at 8 species, Metafer 4, Ikaros, Isis software enable to improve the quality and reproducibility of research results, reduce statistical unreliability at low doses. Due to image digitalization, total analysis duration reduces for several times.

         Below are the pictures of different modifications of AxioImager microscope purchased in 1998, 2012 and 2016. The latest model in Kazakhstan is probably available in a single copy in the NNC RK


радиоэкология няц рк МАГАТЭ ИРБЭ микроскопы AxioImager