ХX Conference-Competition on R&D of Young Scientists and Specialists of RSE NNC RK

Kurchatov, EKO, Republic of Kazakhstan, 06 - 08 October 2021


The Republican State Enterprise “National Nuclear Center of the Republic of Kazakhstan” of the Ministry of Energy of the Republic of Kazakhstan

On October 8, 2021, online ХХ annual conference-competition on R&D of young scientists and specialists of RSE NNC RK has finished.

Young scientists and specialists submitted 31 papers to jury for consideration.

After hearing all the presentations, jury secretariat received 9 rating ballots.

When determining the winners, the number of score of competitors, according to the criteria, was taken into account:

  1. relevance of research;
  2. practical value (significance of the issue the research is dedicated for);
  3. scientific, engineering level, novelty of the results;
  4. degree of the research completion;
  5. personal contribution of the competitor;
  6. style of presentation and proficiency level of material;

Additional criteria for assessment, taking into account the features of the areas, were:

  • fundamental – level of publications;
  • engineering and technical – assessment of technical solutions;
  • applied – competitive ability.

The conference-competitions results:

I. First place, certificate and reward:

Kuanysh Kanatuly Samarkhanov – research fellow, Laboratory of in-channel tests, Department of material testing, branch IAE RSE NNC RK for the research “Emission of spattered particles under inert gases mixture excitation by nuclear reaction product 6Li(n,α)3H” - fundamental.

II. Second place, certificates and rewards:

  1. Mikhail Sergeevich Merezhko – research fellow, acting Head of laboratory for radiation material science, RSE INP ME RK for the research “Features of plastic strain isolation in highly irradiated austenite steels, detected using digital image correlation method” - fundamental;
  2. Tatyana Sergeevna Ponomareva – specialist, Group of agricultural plants radioecology, Department for comprehensive ecosystem research, branch IRSE RSE NNC RK for the research “Pattern of 137Cs behavior in “soil-plant” system at STS radioactive contaminated territory” - applied;

III. Third place, certificates and rewards:

  1. Dina Biyakhmetovna Biyakhmetova – specialist, Department for comprehensive ecosystem research, branch IRSE RSE NNC RK for the research “Electron paramagnetic resonance of human being tooth enamel within the range of high doses of occupational exposure” - applied;
  2. Olzhas Muratbekovich Zhanbolatov – engineer category II, Laboratory for study of thermal-physical and neutron-physical characteristics of irradiation facilities, branch IAE RSE NNC RK for the research “Development of toolbox for research reactors campaign calculation in NNC RK” - applied
  3. Mikhail Victorovich Shulga – geophysic engineer category I, CAPSSI, branch IGR RSE NNC RK for the research “Application of electric prospecting in monitoring of engineering-geological conditions and minimized geodynamic processes within nuclear industry regions” - applied;

IV. Certificates of merit and incentive rewards:

Nomination “Best speaker”:

Vladimir Valeryevich Kolbin – engineer category II, Laboratory of element analysis, Department of analytical research, branch IRSE RSE NNC RK for the research “Development and introduction of methodology for elements and oxides mass content determination in silicate samples using the X-ray fluorescent analysis method” - applied;

Nomination “Active participant”:

Gainiya Kaiyrdykyzy Zhanbolatova – engineer, Laboratory for material tests in fusion reactor, branch IAE RSE NNC RK for the research work “Effect of recrystallization annealing to formation of carbidized layer on tungsten surface” - applied;

Nomination “Best debut”:

Darkhan Kaldaruly Komekbayev – research fellow, Group of data processing, CAPSSI, branch IGR RSE NNC RK for the research work “Application of historical seismic records of peaceful nuclear explosions in studying lithospheric structure in Southern Kazakhstan” - applied;

Nomination “Originality of work”:

Eldos Zhannuruly Akbolatov – engineer, Experimental Mechanical Department, branch IAE RSE NNC RK for the research work “Optimization of manual argon arc welding of various austenite steels 12Х18Н10Т and AISI 316” - applied;

Ⅴ. Prize and reward for innovative research:

Erkhat Dauletkhanuly Dauletkhanov – engineer, Laboratory for radiation material study, branch IAE RSE NNC RK for research work “Development of test facility for small-scale sample testing using SPT method” - applied.

Also, stimulatory prizes were awarded:

Of branch “Institute of Radiation Safety and Ecology” RSE NNC RK:

  • for practical application – Ilya Petrovich Dorozhkin, engineer, Group of research data analysis, Department of radiation research and ecosystem rehabilitation, branch IRSE RSE NNC RK, research work “Development of software for evaluation of radionuclides concentration change upon the results of gamma-spectrometric survey at Semipalatinsk test site (study of “Experimental Field” site)” (applied research);
  • for successful debut – Rinata Gennadyevna Lavrikova, technician category II, Department of environmental monitoring systems development, branch IRSE RSE NNC RK, research work “Nature of STS lakes’ radioactive contamination” (applied research) and Yuriy Evgenyevich Artamonov, engineer, Department of radiation research and ecosystem rehabilitation, branch IRSE RSE NNC RK, research work “Determination of seasonal change in radon isotopes concentration at the territory of Kurchatov town” (applied research);
  • for relevant research – Erzhan Nurlanovich Tleukanov, technician category I, Department of environmental monitoring systems development, branch IRSE RSE NNC RK, research work “Evaluation of Irtysh river ecological status” (applied research);
  • for development of new data processing methods – Gani Mukhtarovich Esilkanov, engineer, Laboratory of element analysis, Department of analytical research, branch IRSE RSE NNC RK, research work “Application of multiple statistical methods to discover ecological-geochemical features of ground waters at conventional background STS areas” (applied research);
  • for the good quality of material presentation – Elena Sergeevna Syssoeva, ecology specialist, Department of comprehensive ecosystem research, branch IRSE RSE NNC RK, research work “Features of radionuclides distribution in forest litter at the territory adjacent to the Semipalatinsk test site” (applied research);
  • for the novelty of research – Radmila Radikovna Sabitova, engineer, Laboratory of neutron physics, branch IAE RSE NNC RK, research work “MCNP-DART simulation of neutron irradiation for assessment of IVG.1M reactor witness-samples radiation damage rate” (applied research);
  • for the relevant research – Umyrzhan Temirlan Nurlanuly, lecturer of faculty “Technical physics and thermal power”, Faculty of engineering and technology, NJSC “Shakarim University”, Semey town, research work “Research into energy efficiency of Karazhyra coal-based fuel bricks annealing” (applied research);
  • for the debut in young specialist training – Yuliya Valeryevna Baklanova, Leader of group for research data analysis, Department of radiation research and ecosystem rehabilitation, branch IRSE RSE NNC RK, curator of Ilya Petrovich Dorozhkin, engineer, Department of radiation research and ecosystem rehabilitation, branch IRSE RSE NNC RK for the topic “Development of software for evaluation of radionuclides concentration change upon the results of gamma-spectrometric survey at Semipalatinsk test site (study of “Experimental Field” site)” (applied).

Of branch “Institute of Atomic Energy”:

  • for the contribution to fusion science – Vadim Sergeevich Bochkov, engineer category 2, Laboratory of in-channel tests, branch IAE RSE NNC RK, research work “Research into the effect of deuterium blowing to tritium isolation of lead-lithium eutectics under reactor irradiation” (applied research);
  • for the best engineering and technology development – Erkhat Dauletkhanuly Dauletkhanov, engineer, Laboratory of radiation material study, branch IAE RSE NNC RK, for research work “Development of test facility for small-scale sample testing using SPT method”  (applied);
  • for contribution to research reactor conversion – Stanislav Nikolaevich Svetachev, engineer, Laboratory of neutron physics, branch IAE RSE NNC RK, research work “Comparison of fission products output from NEU and LEU fuel of reactor IVG.1M during life tests” (applied research);
  • for the best research work in radiation medicine – Dina Biyakhmetovna Biyakhmetova, specialist, Group of epidemiological and bio-dosimetric research, Department of comprehensive ecosystem research, branch IRSE RSE NNC RK, research work “Electron paramagnetic resonance of human being tooth enamel within the range of high doses of occupational exposure” (applied research);
  • for the best research in geophysics – Nurbek Asylbekovich Seinassinov, research fellow, group of data processing, CAPSSI, branch IGR RSE NNC RK, research work “Magnitude sensitivity of Karatau array in Central Asian seismic monitoring” (applied research);
  • for original scientific research – Anel Rashitovna Baibassarova, doctoral student, 1st course, NJSC “Shakarim University” Semey town, “Effect of components to thermo-physical properties of multi-component food products” (engineering and technical).

Of the Council of young scientists and specialists:

  • for the contribution to STS radioecological research – Rinata Gennadyevna Lavrikova, technician category II, Department of environmental monitoring systems development, branch IRSE RSE NNC RK, research work “Nature of STS lakes’ radioactive contamination” (applied research);

V. Each participant of the ХХ conference-competition on R&D for young scientists and specialists of RSE NNC RK was awarded a “Certificate” of participant.

VI. The presented papers are recommended for publication in NNC RK Bulletin periodical.